Month: May 2020

  • Roseberry from Cockshaw Quarry

    Roseberry from Cockshaw Quarry

    What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full…

  • Ravenscar from Stoup Brow

    Ravenscar from Stoup Brow

    Stoup Brow Moor is rich in historic features, including round barrows, boundary markers and numerous neolithic rock carvings that were discovered after intensive moorland fires in 2003. But yet again these carved rocks proved elusive, buried by 17 years of heather growth. But turn your back to the moor, cast your eyes east and you…

  • Royal Oak Day,twenty nineth of May,if you deean’t give us holiday,We’ll all run away.

    Royal Oak Day,
    twenty nineth of May,
    if you deean’t give us holiday,
    We’ll all run away.

    If you see someone out wearing a sprig of oak leaves today, May 29th, he, or she, is celebrating Royal Oak Day. The day traditionally commemorating King Charles II‘s return to London and his restoration as King on this day in 1660, which also happened to be his birthday. The oak leaves symbolise his escape…

  • A coward! a coward! o’ Barney CastleDare na come out to fight a battle!

    A coward! a coward! o’ Barney Castle
    Dare na come out to fight a battle!

    I was tempted to cycle to Barnard Castle today but just a shade too far. I didn’t think my eyesight was up to it. However, I just couldn’t let the opportunity go so here’s a photo instead from October 2017. The glorious River Tees, taken from the castle keep. A coward! a coward! o’ Barney…

  • The enigma of the Kildale man who went down with the Titanic

    The enigma of the Kildale man who went down with the Titanic

    On the 15 April 1912, the RMS Titanic had been at sea for five days on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City when she hit the iceberg on her starboard side that caused her hull plates to buckle inwards, flooding five of the sixteen watertight compartments that had been designed to make…

  • Riverside path in Kildale blocked

    Riverside path in Kildale blocked

    A funny old day. I’m incandescent with happenings in London, I’ve found myself agreeing with Piers Morgan, Tory MPs, The Daily Mail and several bishops. I meet with a dozen or so motorcyclists on a Public Bridleway but forgot to press the record button on my phone. And, to cap it all, I now find…

  • Cho fad ‘s bhios craobh ‘san choille, Bidh foil na Chuimeaneach

    Cho fad ‘s bhios craobh ‘san choille,
    Bidh foil na Chuimeaneach

    My Dad once gave me a piece of advice that has remained with me always. He said there are three subjects that should be avoided in conversations: sex, politics, and religion. Of course that was way before the social media so he would have meant talking in pubs but I have generally tried to stick…

  • The Cop Loaf

    The Cop Loaf

    I knew I had posted a photo of this stone before but I hadn’t realised today’s was from almost the same viewpoint. Ah well. A different season though, the depths of winter, January 2018. But in spite of the greater tree canopy, clear-felling to the south has allowed in a lot more light. I forgot…

  • Contrasting farms in Raisdale

    Contrasting farms in Raisdale

    Ventured further afield than ever in the past nine weeks and came across this sheltered dale still clothed in bluebells. This lovely beck has no name although the dale is mapped as Raisdale, as is its sibling dale, which is actually drained by Raisdale Beck. Must be confusing for the postman. I passed through two…

  • If only walls could talk

    If only walls could talk

    I’ve had my eye on this wall for years. Such a fascinating assortment of alterations over the years. Windows, doors, a platform, steps. Until this coronavirus, there are usually cars parked in front of it but this morning I was surprised to see it clear. Even those yellow poppies are taking advantage of the light.…