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Tag: ironstone mining

  • Spawood Mine Switch House

    Spawood Mine Switch House

    I think this is an old switch house to the Spawood Ironstone Mine — I must admit I am relying on a map produced by the last operators of the mine, Dorman, Long & Co. Limited reprinted in Simon Chapman’s booklet “Guisborough District Mines”. The mine, the drift of which was off to the right,…

  • Powder House at Roseberry Mines

    Powder House at Roseberry Mines

    Had a wander down to the old Powder House to see how it’s faring. The pointing applied to conserve the gable wall facing Roseberry looks as though it’s doing its job. The rest of the stone walls, reduced to a few courses, are grassing over. The tramway down is a jungle of bracken. At this…

  • Cliff Ironstone Quarry

    Cliff Ironstone Quarry

    One of the lesser known ironstone mines in Cleveland. Well, actually it was a quarry for the first 8 years of its operation from 1857 to 1865. An account published in 1866 by ‘J.G.’ is interesting: Enchanting as everything appeared we had no time to linger, so we began our trip from the beach and…

  • Ailesbury Ironstone Mine

    Ailesbury Ironstone Mine

    Another visit to an old favourite, almost 7 years ago. I read that some conservation work had been done to the mine entrance, some trees cleared and the ditch cleared out. It looks as though some of the stones on the parapet have fallen. Ailesbury Ironstone Mine operated from 1857 to 1885 and named after…

  • Ayton Banks Ironstone Mine

    Ayton Banks Ironstone Mine

    I thought I would have a look around the Ayton Banks Ironstone Mine before the summer vegetation growth takes hold, only to find when I got home that I have already posted a photo of the old drift entrance. But that was an eternity ago, in January 2015. Ayton Banks Ironstone Mine was the smallest…

  • Warren Moor Ironstone Mine

    Warren Moor Ironstone Mine

    The unusual yet familiar chimney that dominates the site of the failed Warren Moor Mine, a short lived enterprise that hoped to capitalise on the 1860s ironstone boom. The architecture of the chimney is in contrast to the utilitarian style later in the century. No expense seemed to have been spared, with decorative polychromatic banding,…

  • Went for a bimble around the Belmont Ironstone Mine

    Went for a bimble around the Belmont Ironstone Mine

    To be clear this is the old mine, which operated between 1855 and 1877, and not the new one which was sited a kilometre further west and which operated in the first half of the 20th-century. I didn’t really expect to find anything. The authoritative “Catalogue of Cleveland Ironstone Mines” by Peter Tuffs doesn’t mention…

  • It’s going to be a scorcher

    It’s going to be a scorcher

    Eskdale has always been a charming valley, less frequented than the eastern dales. Times are a changing though, particularly since the demand for ‘staycations’. The National Trust have taken over one of the campsites and their marketing is being well employed. A ‘pop-up’ campsite appeared lower down the valley which caused some concern. The dale…

  • Rosedale East Mines

    Rosedale East Mines

    The great sweep of the old railway track as it descends to the calcining kilns of the Rosedale East Mines. The gradient at this point is about 1 in 60. The line continues to terminate at the goods depot and coal yard at Low Baring. On the extreme left of the featured image are the…

  • Guibal fan-house, Skelton Shaft ironstone mine

    Guibal fan-house, Skelton Shaft ironstone mine

    A great visit around the surface remains of the Skelton Park and Skelton Shaft Ironstone Mines, guided by the knowledgeable Simon and Steve from the Cleveland Mining History Society (CMHS). Along with the powder magazine, the fan-house at Skelton Shaft are the only buildings remaining. The rest of the site was demolished as a condition of…