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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Tag: graffiti

  • The Timeless Elegance of a Spray-Painted Phallus

    The Timeless Elegance of a Spray-Painted Phallus

    This brilliant display of human ingenuity—sprayed haphazardly onto the ancient rock face on Roseberry Topping—is truly a sight to behold. The “artist,” undoubtedly a revolutionary thinker of his age and who clearly imagines himself—undoubtedly masculine, of course—as the Teesside Banksy, has chosen this timeless canvas to bless us with his daring vision. The frantic scrawls…

  • Vandalised Legacy: The Tale of Beggar’s Bridge

    Vandalised Legacy: The Tale of Beggar’s Bridge

    A stroll down to Beggar’s Bridge to take a gander at the scene of recent vandalism that had struck the 17th-century packhorse bridge. News of the damage, likely inflicted by a sneaky hand wielding a Stihl saw, has cast doubt over the bridge’s future. The old structure, standing for 400 years, now bears the scars…

  • A thought-provoking piece of artwork that juxtaposes the simplicity of an alphabetical motif with the rugged beauty of weatherworn lichen-covered sandstone crag …

    A thought-provoking piece of artwork that juxtaposes the simplicity of an alphabetical motif with the rugged beauty of weatherworn lichen-covered sandstone crag …

    … The use of white aerosol paint against the natural textures of the crag creates a striking contrast, drawing the viewer’s attention to the delicate interplay between man-made symbols and the organic world. Sorry, too tongue in cheek perhaps. Graffiti! The malicious cousin of art that’s always popping up where it is least desired. It’s…

  • The ever changing faces of Roseberry trig. point

    The ever changing faces of Roseberry trig. point

    It was given a fresh coat of paint in July if I recall. The stencils appeared soon after the Queen’s death and were left, out of respect. But graffiti artists do not show the same respect. So, weather permitting, the trig. point will be getting spruced up. A lovely clean canvas. Since last week a…

  • In search of Regency Graffiti

    In search of Regency Graffiti

    I came across a letter the other day in the Yorkshire Gazette dated 1st December 1821. There are some words which were frustratingly unreadable because of the binding — I’ve included these as [?]: Sir, — As your columns are often [with] classical notices, it cannot be doubted that [you will] readily admit the following…

  • Recent rockfall, Roseberry

    Recent rockfall, Roseberry

    Spotted this morning, it must be fairly recent. Nothing untoward, just part of the natural weathering process. Imperceivable then suddenly … My first thought was that the enigmatic carved face of Roseberry was lying face-down but it’s actually on the lower crag. An odd carving, not exactly a Michelangelo but somehow quite intriguing. The big…

  • “Murder by a Farmer in the North-Riding” (Part 3)

    “Murder by a Farmer in the North-Riding” (Part 3)

    It is probably a bit of a stretch to say that when Mr. Forth carved his name on this sandstone crag at the top of Roseberry Topping, he had read the report the trial of Bradshaw Brougham Graham four years earlier in the Leeds Mercury. He may have not even been aware of it, but…

  • Greenhow Botton

    Greenhow Botton

    On the old 1857 O.S. map, this area is named as Greenhow Burton. Half a century later, it is mapped as Greenhow Botton. Such is the evolution of names over time. Or perhaps different surveyors misinterpreting the local dialect. The second word of the name derives from the Old Norse ‘Botn’ meaning a hollow. Off…

  • Evening on Roseberry

    Evening on Roseberry

    An evening wander up Roseberry. Refreshingly cool. And surprisingly, the summit was all mine. That must be a lockdown first. In the distant, the Cleveland Hills, familiar if a little hazy. The sheep in the green field are quietly maintaining their social distancing. While the yellow fields have now been cut, their bales await collection.…

  • Painted Rock

    Painted Rock

    My heart sank when I came across this while descending Little Roseberry. Now call me a killjoy but is this really necessary in a National Park, “our most breath-taking and treasured landscapes”. It’s only a painted pebble left in a prominent place and asking finders to post photos to a Facebook page. A craze from…