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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Midnight Corner

A pretty drouky day. Snow flakes as big as cats’ paws but melting on reaching the ground.

I kept low, exploring little used tracks of Greenhow Bank, sheltered by the forestry.

This area of Sitka spruce must have been cleared about five years ago, so I must have seen the view before but it’s only when mists shroud the tops it is appreciated.

Scarring on edge of boulder rock on Greenhow Bank

Midnight Corner is a local name for  the north facing bowl of Greenhow. So named because in winter it never sees the sun. Midnight Farm is the furthest on the extreme right. Now I’m not sure if Midnight Farm is named after Midnight Corner or vice versa.

The boulder in the foreground had some strange grooves over one edge.

My first thoughts were that were caused by a steel cable. From a winch perhaps, from a quarry or the forestry. Nothing obvious around. It’s on about the same level as the old jet workings



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2 responses to “Midnight Corner”

  1. John avatar

    When that area was clear felled a substantial winch arrangement was used to pull felled timber down the hillside to the middle track for forwarding. The winch system was anchored on a large tree stump right up at the top forest fence. The grooves in the rock are from operation of the winch.

    1. Fhithich avatar

      Thanks, John. That explains them.

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