The Tabular Hills have a high concentration of Neolithic or Bronze Age earthworks: linear boundaries in the form of ditches and earthbank and round barrows and at the head of Wy Dale, before Stainton Lane descends steeply into Toutsdale, is an extensive area of a confusing mixture of prehistoric earthworks overlain by medieval. Only a peripheral exploration was managed but the most obvious from a low-level perspective is a series of parallel earthbanks and ditches, perhaps twenty or so in all which are believed to be part of a post-medieval rabbit trap, although I can not imagine how that would work. Only about 100 metres remain but older maps indicate they were 2 or 3 times that length, the difference has been lost by ploughing. Historic England say these are post-medieval so not part of the nearby medieval monastic grange owned by Yedingham Priory which is thought was devoted to sheep farming.
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