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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Cold Moor

  • Carr Ridge and Hasty Bank

    Carr Ridge and Hasty Bank

    A menhir or standing stone on Urra Moor right next to the Cleveland Way. I suspect this stone has been erected in modern times simply because I can find no mention of it which I am sure there would be if it was indeed historically significant. As it is it gives a good foreground to…

  • adjuster.observer.notched


    I keep coming across a system of defining your GPS location using three random words, called unsurprisingly what3words. Someone has divided the world up into 3 x 3 metre square blocks, each one with a unique 3-word address. So here I am at adjuster.observer.notched. This does sound strange but then I am comfortable with latitude…

  • Cold Moor

    Cold Moor

    A view from Cringle Moor across to Cold Moor, one of the four bumps so obvious from the Cleveland plain. The footpath followed by the Cleveland Way and Coast to Coast long distance paths can be seen climbing to the 401m summit. The spoil heaps bottom left are 19th-century jet workings, the miners seeking the…

  • Ruin, Mount Vittoria

    Ruin, Mount Vittoria

    A well-visited ruin on Mount Vittoria, or Cold Moor to use its modern name. I prefer the more romantic 19th-century name. A name which conjures up a vision of a son or husband lost in a faraway land when Wellington’s forces routed the French under Bonaparte in the Battle of Vittoria. Pure speculation of course…

  • Last of the Winter Sun

    Last of the Winter Sun

    Cold Moor, a narrow ridge of heather moor overlooking Raisdale. The ruin, built with dressed stones against a boulder, was probably a shepherd’s hut.