Category: Kildale

  • Hill Hill and the Art of Furtling

    Hill Hill and the Art of Furtling

    It was one of those charming so-called ā€œlazy windsā€ā€”the sort that cannot be bothered to go around you and instead cuts straight through, ensuring you feel every bit of its bitter, bone-chilling embrace. Hardly the sort of day for a leisurely stroll around Kildale Moor, but, there I have been, engaged in the enthralling task…

  • Kildaleā€™s Agrarian Past

    Kildaleā€™s Agrarian Past

    A stunning view of Kildale, seen from the sandstone crags of Ward Nab. Kildale, with its postcard-worthy scenery and quaint stone buildings, represents the sort of agricultural nostalgia many enjoy romanticising. Yet, beneath this charming faƧade lies a tale of upheaval and supposed progress. In the 18th century, Kildaleā€™s open fields were carved up through…

  • Kildale’s Wet Dig

    Kildale’s Wet Dig

    And so the rains came to St. Hildaā€™s chapel, bringing a somewhat damp close to the archaeological dig season in picturesque Kildale. What mysteries lie behind those enigmatic stone footings ā€” which bear more than a passing resemblance to a garden feature than to any sacred structure ā€” must now remain hidden for yet another…

  • The Overlords of Kildale

    The Overlords of Kildale

    Park Nab, a smallish sandstone crag, much favoured by the climbing fraternity, who no doubt delight in the view over Kildaleā€”suggested by some to be the dale of a forgotten Viking named Killi. Perhaps he might be one of those unfortunate Norsemen discovered inconveniently buried under the church floor during the 1868 rebuild. Quite fitting…

  • Lilac Cottage and Other Euphemisms for the Necessary

    Lilac Cottage and Other Euphemisms for the Necessary

    This humble structure, built around 1780, at a discrete distance from the Warren farmhouse, was none other than the privy ā€“ or, as we might say today, the lavatory. It served the necessary purpose of waste disposal, likely relying on what was known as an ā€œearth closet.ā€ Now a Grade II Listed Building, it has…

  • Nature’s Nightmare: The Environmental Impact of Pheasant Shooting

    Nature’s Nightmare: The Environmental Impact of Pheasant Shooting

    A jaunt in the countryside typically leaves one with an idyllic sense of peace, a quaint communion with nature. But this morning, I encountered a rather more disquieting spectacle. A bevy of young pheasants, dozens of them, darting about with all the coordination of those small, ravenous Compsognathids from “Jurassic Park.” These birds, though one…

  • Maiden Hair: From Dye to Deficiency

    Maiden Hair: From Dye to Deficiency

    While the day was still fresh, as I wandered across Warren Moor, a vivid expanse of orange-yellow caught my eye. The bog asphodel, with its star-like blooms, presented a scene of rare splendour. Singularly, these flowers might escape notice, but en masse, they transform the landscape. Never before have I witnessed such a display on…

  • Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

    Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

    Perish the thought. In a recent study published by University College London, the projected climate change for Richmond & Northallerton over the next decade shows some notable shifts. Summer rainfall is anticipated to increase by 2.7%, while the annual temperature to rise by 0.76Ā°C. To place this in context, historical data from 1981 to 2010…

  • From Blue Fields to Empty Skiesā€”The Plight of Pollinators

    From Blue Fields to Empty Skiesā€”The Plight of Pollinators

    Blue tansies, a splendid sight, brightens up this field in Kildale. Belonging to the borage family, Phacelia tanacetifolia, though not native to Britain, is cultivated as a cover crop and green manure. Its nectar-rich flowers bloom sequentially, ensuring an extended flowering period that attracts insect pollinators such as bumblebees. Meanwhile, wildlife experts raise an alarm…

  • Woolgathering under the big oak

    Woolgathering under the big oak

    “Your brains are gone woolgathering,” once described a person deemed foolish or confused, as noted in the 1852 volume, ā€˜A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Fourteenth Centuryā€™. Woolgathering also denotes daydreaming, a state of drifting into idle thoughts and fancies. The term itself is colourful. One…