Tag: menhir

  • Clach na Carraig

    Clach na Carraig

    I stumbled across this massive standing stone on my morning run. Well, I tell a lie, I was carrying a map and was attracted to the Gothic font which is a giveaway of something interesting. It is truly a monolith, 12½ feet tall, made of granite, and 13 feet in girth. Probably erected by Neolithic…

  • Standing Stone, Glaisdale Swang

    Standing Stone, Glaisdale Swang

    Glaisdale Moor is scattered with standing stones. Most mark parish boundaries and tracks and are of dressed stone indicating a probable 17th-century date. In Glaisdale Swang, a boggy hollow draining north into Busco Beck, stands an isolated menhir which looks much older but has been largely ignored by antiquarians. Open Space Web-Map builder Code