Tag: climate change
COP26 continues and I am getting more confused about the statistics brandied about
We are told that, as a species, our activities emit 34 gigatonnes of CO² per year which would need around 68 million square kilometres of forest to ‘sequestrate’ — this is about half the planet’s land area, so a bit unrealistic. These numbers are vast. Gigatonnes. I can no more visualise a gigatonne than I…
Flying on a wing and a prayer
Now that the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference is underway in Glasgow I was hoping to feature a photo that shows the effect of climate change on our North York Moors. But, unless you live in an area which has been subjected to flooding or fires, any effects are either incrementally small or subtle. Right…
“Riviera Britain? Sorry, it’s just hot air.”
So headlined an article in the Daily Mail written by Piers Corbyn, hailed as “Britain’s top weather expert”, 25 years ago tomorrow. Way back in 1996. The report was in response to a prediction by the Climate Change Impacts Review Group which warned that global warming would have the effect of moving Britain 100 miles…