Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

  • Nidderdale 


    Nidderdale and Gouthwaite Reservoir

  • Brimham Rocks

    Brimham Rocks

    Oh no, not more “artwork” spoiling our countryside.

  • Live Moor and Whorlton Hill

    Live Moor and Whorlton Hill

    The low lying cloud was playing tricks this morning. Great Ayton, Stokesley: sunshine and blue skies. Carlton, just 4 kilometres down the road, dense fog obscuring the sun. Then, climbing up Carlton Bank into the sun again. Brilliant. Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • Newton-under-Roseberry


    The village below Roseberry from which it takes its name although in the 19th-century it was often referred to as Newton-in-Cleveland. There is a suggestion however that it was originally called Newton-under-Othenesberg which evolved to Newton-under-Roseberry with the slurring of the ‘r’. The ton suffix in Newton derives from the Anglo Saxon meaning a farm…

  • Odin’s Hill

    Odin’s Hill

    Roseberry looking benign but on the summit, I could barely stand upright and as hurricane Ophelia passed us by, the bloody sun finally giving way to blue skies. Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • St Mary’s, Over Silton

    St Mary’s, Over Silton

    Sited in a shallow valley, half a mile from the village of Over Silton is the church of St. Mary. It dates to the 12th century and can only be approached only by a footpath. The original village that it served no longer exists, just a few lumps and bumps in the surrounding fields remaining,…

  • Early riser

    Early riser

    Eighty minutes after a warm October dawn, although the sun had yet to make an appearance, a butterfly caught my eye. A flighty thing but after ten minutes of stalking I managed to grab this shot. Not the best specimen, it looks as though chunks are missing from the ends of its wings, but by…

  • Mount Grace Priory

    Mount Grace Priory

    They’ve done a lot of tree felling around Mount Grace Priory, opening up new views of the ruined 14th-century Carthusian Priory. The monks lived in silent isolation, in cells around the two cloisters. To the right of the church is the larger cloister which incorporates sixteen cells. On the extreme right is a modern reconstruction…

  • Grain Slack

    Grain Slack

    Discovered a new area of moorland today. Thompson’s Rigg, part of the National Trust’s Blakey Topping property. Heather dominates the rigg, hiding the prehistoric field system, cairnfield and hollow ways. Across Grain Slack, a diverse shallow valley is Allerston High Moor, also Trust land. In the distance, the commercial plantations of Langdale Forest have been…

  • The Waterfall

    The Waterfall

    Great Ayton’s famous waterfall, although it’s really a weir. On the left-hand wall are the initials of Thomas Richardson who made a large donation to the weir’s construction in 1840. A water race ran all the way to Low Green providing power there for Richardson’s corn mill so a cynic might say the donation wasn’t…

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