It struck me as a bit peculiar that explicit directions to Highcliffe Nab were considered necessary. One might conclude that folks have frequently found themselves inadvertently ending up at the nearby farm. However, upon closer observation, the reason became apparent: the gate stands firmly padlocked. Despite its designation as a Public Footpath, no stile offers passage. One is left with little recourse but to scale the gate.
The footpath, which passes through the farmyard, is effectively obstructed. But, my intention was not that way.
It appears that many landowners view compelling walkers to surmount a locked gate as a trifling inconvenience. However, in this instance, it appears more a matter of the owner’s endeavours to outright bar access rather than assist wayward travellers.
The proposed detour, while not a designated Public Right of Way, does cross Open Access land, which means, theoretically at least, that it is not available if you’re walking your dog.
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