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The coastline near Cove

The Berwickshire coastline is a rugged and untamed stretch of land that is a favourite destination of ours for a refreshing break during a northbound journey, offering ample opportunities for exercise and fresh air.

These breathtaking views along the coast are the result of millions of years of sedimentary rock formation during the Palaeozoic geological era, spanning 85 million years. Thick layers of sandstone make up the cliffs and headlands, while softer mudstone and coal layers, as well as thin limestone layers, are broken down by the waves. The red arch in the middle distance is one of these sandstone layers, gradually eroding into a headland with stacks and arches.

Nearer is a grey limestone outcrop. In Scotland, limestone is not commonly found, and wherever it is present, it is exploited. At one point, it was burnt in kilns to create quicklime, which was used to neutralise acidic soil.

In the distance, you may notice the chimney of the Dunbar Cement Plant, which is situated near limestone layers that can be seen on the shore near Barns Ness and are quarried inland to produce cement.



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One response to “The coastline near Cove”

  1. Mark Adams avatar

    Cove Harbour is especially photogenic at low tide. A little east is Siccar Point notable in the history of geology as a result of a boat trip in 1788 in which geologist James Hutton observed the angular unconformity of the point. He wrote later that the evidence of the rocks provided conclusive proof of the uniformitarian theory of geological development; that is, that the natural laws and processes which operate in the universe have never changed and apply everywhere. In respect of its great importance to the development of geoscience, this locality was included by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) as the first of 100 ‘geological heritage sites’ around the world.”

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