Category: Hawnby

  • The Nuns’ Well: The Last Remains of St Andrews Priory

    The Nuns’ Well: The Last Remains of St Andrews Priory

    The so-called Nuns’ Well in Ryedale is a peculiar sight, sitting incongruously among the trees. A perfect circle, 2.4 metres across, with a stepped stone base and sides, it is thought to be medieval. Its water, fed by springs, is clear enough to impress those easily impressed by such things. It lies due north of…

  • Crayaldstane


    A dreary damp day with hardly no visibility so a fall back to that ubiquitous feature of the moors: standing stones. Man has erected stones upright for many reasons: to delineate a boundary, as a waymarker, a religious symbol or a monument. At Oakdale Head, on the parochial boundary between Hawnby and Nether Silton, you…

  • Ladhill Gill

    Ladhill Gill

    Ladhill Beck separates the parish of Hawnby from Bilsdale Westside. The upper reaches have a desolate feel with forlorn farmsteads: Honey Hill, Sike House, Low and High Twaites, Hazelshaw House, Sod Hall, Weather House, and Bumper Castle. That’s Bumper Castle in the photo, right of centre. It seems to have grown more forlorn since the…

  • Nova Scotia Farm and Ladhill Gill

    Nova Scotia Farm and Ladhill Gill

    A view north-east from Hawnby Hill. A view with several interesting features. Bumper Hagg, on the far side of Ladhill Gill, contains an abundance of pre-historic features. Cairns, and linear earthworks. In the distance, seemingly on the highest point of Bumper Moor, is Wethercote Farm. This was one of the main sheep-rearing farms of Rievaulx…

  • Hawnby


    One from Sunday’s cycle ride through Ryedale. The charming village of Hawnby with its sandstone cottages and pantile roofs clustered around the mill. The uniform colour scheme of the doors indicates that this was, and probably still is an estate village. Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • Hawnby


    Described as a “traditional nucleated settlement”, modern Hawnby really has two nuclei. The high one at the foot of Hawnby Hill and the low one centred on the old mill by the River Rye. Both have quaint sandstone buildings with red pantile roofs distinctive of the Tabular Hills. The village is mentioned in the Domesday…

  • A view east from Hawnby Hill

    A view east from Hawnby Hill

    Bilsdale Moor West. A beam of sunshine is shining on Wethercote Farm which must be one of the highest farms in the area. The land is recorded as belonging to Rievaulx Abbey around 1145 and contains quarries from which stone was used in the construction of the abbey. In the 18th century, coal was mined…