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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: White Stone Cliff

  • Whitestone Cliff or White Mare Crag

    Whitestone Cliff or White Mare Crag

    The pride of the Tabular Hills. Not really white, but a pale-buff-colouring. Comprised of limey sandstone and oolitic limestones, it’s alternative name is supposed to come from a tempermental thoroughbred racehorse which galloped from the training ground on the plateau and leapt down the crag with her rider. The rock looks friable and the base…

  • Whitestone Cliff and Gormire Lake

    Whitestone Cliff and Gormire Lake

    Looking down onto Lake Gormire near Sutton Bank. A place of myth and legend. In the distance is the elongated Jurassic outlier, Hood Hill with where Druids were said to have made sacrifices. Some say Lake Gormire was made when an earthquake swallowed up a whole town. The roofs of the houses and chimneys can…

  • White Mare Crag

    White Mare Crag

    Perhaps better known as Whitestone Cliff. The Calcareous Grit crag is supposed to have formed in the eighteen century when the steep scarp slope slumped, an occurrence recorded by the Rev. John Wesley, the Methodist preacher, in his journal: “1755. On Thursday, March 25th, many persons observed a great noise near a ridge of mountains…