Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Roseberry Topping

  • The first frost of the year

    The first frost of the year

    No temptation to hurkle-durkle this morning, a clear sky this dawn promised a good sunrise. Maybe Jack Frost had visited but there was no evidence of his telltale fern-like patterns on the windows. Or maybe nowadays he just avoids double glazed windows. But a thin layer of ice crystals did cover the grass and fallen…

  • A fine day for a stroll up Roseberry

    A fine day for a stroll up Roseberry

    Roseberry was busy with many taking advantage of the November blue skies. The rockface looks as though there’s been a bit of a rockfall with patches clean of weathering. I haven’t heard of anything though. The main crag was exposed in the major rockfall which occurred in May 1912 when the shape of the summit…

  • First snow of the winter

    First snow of the winter

    Whoopee. Woke up to falling snow. The first of the winter. And much more to come according to the Express. Their forecast is the coldest winter for years. Very dire, El Nino’s fault apparently. The photo is on Roseberry Common looking up Little Roseberry. The snow was now sleet. Remembered my hat, remembered my gloves…

  • When Roseberrye Toppinge weares a cappe …

    When Roseberrye Toppinge weares a cappe …

    Towards the weste there stands a highe hill called Roseberry Toppinge, which is a marke to the seamen, and an almanacke to the vale, for they have this ould ryme common, “When Roseberrye Toppinge weares a cappe Let Cleveland then beware a clappe.” For indeede yt seldome hath a cloude on yt that some yll…

  • Hawthorn hedgerow

    Hawthorn hedgerow

    And so into October, the eighth month of the old ten-month Roman calendar. Eventually, they cottoned on that having 60 days of winter “monthless” wasn’t such a good ideal so January and February were added and October became the tenth month. And one of the delights of October is that the countryside still retains some…

  • Roseberry Sunset

    Roseberry Sunset

    Such a cracking sunset last night that I had another evening stroll. An online ephemeris tells me the sun will set at 269.4°, pretty close to due west. Not surprising when you think about it, just two days after the Autumn equinox. And it just so happens that Roseberry Topping is a smidgen off due…

  • Gribdale Terrace

    Gribdale Terrace

    An evening stroll up Capt.Cook’s Monument hoping to catch a spectacular sunset. Instead, a diffuse grey blanket gradually smothered the sun. The white cottages of Gribdale Terrace, built for whinstone miners, on the far left overlooked by Roseberry Topping. Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • V-ewes of Roseberry

    V-ewes of Roseberry

    We’re art, a drove of sheep without a shepherd, and I am a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So where are you being driven? Nowhere! Then you must be a flock. And what big teeth you don’t have, for a wolf. No, we’re a hurtle or a trip making eyes at you, baa none. Why that’s…

  • Tea on the Topping

    Tea on the Topping

    It’s that time of the year again. The annual National Trust’s “Tea on the Topping”, tea and a delicious selection of homemade cakes on offer on Cleveland’s Matterhorn. The bright sunny day attracting hundred’s of climbers. How many people can you get on Roseberry? Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • Hold my hand while we jump off this cliff

    Hold my hand while we jump off this cliff

    “Let’s jump off this cliff – it’ll be fun! A right laugh!” urged all the people (well, I mean just over half of those who had bothered to speak up at all). I peered down at the rocks; it was a long way to fall. I said, “This cliff’s more than three hundred feet high…