Tag: Cottongrass
“Riviera Britain? Sorry, it’s just hot air.”
So headlined an article in the Daily Mail written by Piers Corbyn, hailed as “Britain’s top weather expert”, 25 years ago tomorrow. Way back in 1996. The report was in response to a prediction by the Climate Change Impacts Review Group which warned that global warming would have the effect of moving Britain 100 miles…
First of the year’s cottongrass
A glorious morning, blue skies with contrails lingering. And not a breath of wind. On Great Ayton Moor.
Hutton Moor
This stand of larch has always intrigued me. It first appears on the 1952 edition of the Ordnance Survey map, is circular and isolated on the heather moor. It can not be self-seeded. Who planted it? And why?