Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Carlton-in-Cleveland

  • Another Carlton Ghost

    Another Carlton Ghost

    On my solivagant pursuit on Carlton Bank this morning, the village of Carlton-in-Cleveland lay peacefully below, conjuring memories of a promise I made. Well, a sort of promise. I said I would recount the tale of another spectre that haunts this village. You might recall my previous post, the Ghost of Madame Turner. This tale,…

  • The Ghost of Madame Turner

    The Ghost of Madame Turner

    Barely a glimpse of Busby Hall can be gained from the limit of the Public Bridleway which follows the old coach road leading to the estate. Remarkably, this track once served as the main entrance. Presently, entry is gained through the village of Carlton-in-Cleveland. Pevsner, the architectural historian, offers a description of the hall as…

  • Who was Brian?

    Who was Brian?

    Brian’s Pond at Clough Gill Top has always intrigued me. An oasis on the bleak Bilsdale West Moor. But just who was Brian? The name and pond appears on the 1857 Ordnance Survey Six-inch map and I’ve always thought it a modern name. But I find it was actually a fairly popular name for Arthurian…

  • St. Botolph’s Church, Carlton-in-Cleveland

    St. Botolph’s Church, Carlton-in-Cleveland

    I am not religious. In fact, the older I get, the more cynical I become. But I do respect churches.  Like any other old buildings, they have a direct connection with the past, many having stood for centuries. A connection to the average folk of the community, not the upper echelons. St. Botolph’s Church in…

  • Green Bank and Busby Moor

    Green Bank and Busby Moor

    Here comes the rain. It’s looking ominous. Finally some relief. Looking along the Cleveland Hills from the Raisdale Road. Roseberry is somewhere on the horizon. Open Space Web-Map builder Code

  • G. Ward & Son, Blacksmiths of Carlton

    G. Ward & Son, Blacksmiths of Carlton

    Took the road bike out today which gave me a chance for a more closer look at the villages of Cleveland than I can get from a car. Carlton has a pub and a school but no shop. But what it does have, and perhaps one of the last villages to do so, is a village blacksmith.…