Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Brotton

  • The White Maid of Kilton Castle

    The White Maid of Kilton Castle

    The British Cycling Championships descended upon East Cleveland today, bringing to mind a project I embarked upon during the days of Covid: transcribing the works of Richard Blakeborough. Among his tales, “The White Maid of Kilton Castle” holds a special place, for it is set in the environs of Brotton, the very spot where I…

  • Cliff Ironstone Quarry

    Cliff Ironstone Quarry

    One of the lesser known ironstone mines in Cleveland. Well, actually it was a quarry for the first 8 years of its operation from 1857 to 1865. An account published in 1866 by ‘J.G.’ is interesting: Enchanting as everything appeared we had no time to linger, so we began our trip from the beach and…