Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: St. Abbs

  • St Abb’s Head

    St Abb’s Head

    This is St Abb’s Head, a rugged headland in the Scottish Borders, renowned for its bustling seabird sanctuary, boasting a population of over 60,000 winged residents. Among its craggy stacks, guillemots and razorbills establish their nests, while the majestic kittiwakes favour the towering cliff faces. Yet, amidst this natural spectacle, I later discovered a historical…

  • Grey seals, Horsecastle Bay

    Grey seals, Horsecastle Bay

    Stopped off for a run around St. Abb’s Head to break the journey up to Edinburgh and surprised to come across several seals hauled up on the beach with their pups. They were Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), and were seemingly unperturbed by the closeness of the popular footpath. The pups were no longer cuddly fluffy…