Category: St Johns in the vale

  • Esker, St John’s in the Vale

    Esker, St John’s in the Vale

    What seems an iconic Lakeland scene. A dry stoned wall barn nestling next to a knoll in fields of sheep pasture. And of course a mist-shrouded Skiddaw in the distance. The view is from the B5322 as it heads south through St John’s in the Vale towards Ambleside. What is of interest is the knoll.…

  • Castle Rock of Triermain

    Castle Rock of Triermain

    From Low Bridge Farm in St. John’s-in-the-Vale (lovely coffee shop with delicious scones). The scene of a rockfall “as big as a bungalow” last November. The farmer was telling me his family was sitting in the porch when the fall occurred. A rumble was initially dismissed as a low flying jet, a frequent sight along…

  • Lakeland Hound Trailing

    Lakeland Hound Trailing

    So there we were tootling up St. John’s in the Vale when the roads were suddenly chaotic with vehicles parked here, there and everywhere. The drivers had their binoculars out and were intensively watching the fells. Curiosity piqued, we stopped. Before long we picked out a dog high on the fells of High Rigg dashing…