Out & About …

… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Rievaulx

  • April Fools’ Day

    April Fools’ Day

    And so we fly into April. Tempus fugit. I was planning on an April Fool, but didn’t have enough foresight. And by the time I post this, it’ll be past the 12 o’clock deadline. So, instead, I’ll just post about the history of the tradition. But first, my morning’s exercise. With the weather looking pretty…

  • The Ionic Temple, Rievaulx Terrace

    The Ionic Temple, Rievaulx Terrace

    They say that things often come in threes, and that certainly seems to be the case for me this week, as I have encountered the Duncombe family for the third time.  In 1687, a nouveau riche banker named Sir Charles Duncombe purchased the Rievaulx and Helmsley estates for the staggering sum of £90,000. He was…

  • Rievaulx⁩ Abbey

    Rievaulx⁩ Abbey

    The image of the life Cistercian monk is one of austerity, hard manual work and self-sufficiency, and one of the first Cistercian monasteries to be founded in the North of England was in the valley of the River Rye at Rievaulx⁩, in 1132. Seen here from the National Trust’s Rievaulx⁩ Terrace property, it grew to…