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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Category: Battersby

  • Rapeseed Transforms the Vale of Cleveland

    Rapeseed Transforms the Vale of Cleveland

    The expansive fields of rapeseed, ablaze with its yellow flowers, command this view of the vale of Cleveland from Battersby Moor, presenting a picturesque mosaic of greens and yellows. Rapeseed, grown for its oil, a staple in cooking, fuel, and other products, graces landscapes worldwide, transforming into a breathtaking spectacle during its bloom. Easby Moor,…

  • Battersby


    Battersby is a township of the parish of Ingleby Greenhow. It’sĀ recorded as ‘Badresbi‘ in the Domesday Survey with eight households being noted as liable for tax in 1301.. The pond in the foreground is the obvious visible evidence of tile and brick works which is indicated on the 1853 Ordnance Survey map. Battersby was once…