Category: Langdale Pikes
From Pyroclastic Flows to Lapilli Tuffs — Navigating the Langdale Pikes
On the first night back home in Cleveland, I awoke to a drizzle, low-hanging clouds, and, after a week in the Lakes, a slight feeling of dysphoria. My morning constitutional brought no relief as the weather remained dismal. So, I believe it’s only fair to share a photo taken a few days prior in Langdale…
Sprinkling Tarn from Green Gable
It took me a while to recognise some of the fells when the clouds broke descending Green Gable to Windy Gap. Sprinkling Tarn is a long sliver and it seems strange looking down on it. On the right is the bulk of Great End. And in the distance the Langdale Pikes, a different view from…