Tag: hob

  • Hob on the Hill

    Hob on the Hill

    A pretty dreich morning. So no scenic photo today, the visibility as I crossed Gisborough Moor being about 50m. Notice the purple is not so vibrant today. Perhaps that could be down to the muted lighting, but it is an intensively managed moorland; I still think that’s a factor. This boundary stone named as Hob…

  • At the west end of Scot Crags

    At the west end of Scot Crags

    Well, it’s Scot Crags according to the first mappers of the Ordnance Survey. Probably better known as Barker’s Crags nowadays. I am looking down on the spur they mapped as Rakes Intake where Snotterdale merges with Scugdale. Scugdale is both an unusual valley and one of contrasts. It is one of the few east-west lying…