Tag: hills
The Cheviots
Exploring the lower foothills of The Cheviot today. I had set out with the intention of bagging the big one but my mind still thinks I’m four decades younger. And it was a bit warm and I’ve always suffered in the heat. But enough excuses. A remarkably peaceful area ,especially after the coast. I only…
The Cleveland Hills from below Park Nab
An interesting day spent helping on an archaeological dig searching for the long lost chapel of St. Hilda in Kildale. Watch this space. A dearth of photographic opportunities though. This is the Cleveland Hills from below Park Nab. The farm is Low Farm. The hedgerow this side of the rape field, Dundale Beck, forms the…
Cleveland Hills
A peaceful rural scene. How different it would look today if the giant oil companies had found “black gold” in the 1930s. A forest of oil derricks and nodding donkeys? In 1938, the Gulf Exploration Company began drilling for oil in the Cleveland Hills. 30 men were employed, seeking the oil that the jet miners…
I learnt a new word today …
Galeanthropy – the belief that you have become into a cat. A delusion. Not that you can turn into a cat at will, like a witch’s familiar, like Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. That would be therianthropy. Therianthropy, another new word, is the belief in the ability to change into any animal. This shamanic belief…
Cleveland Hills
Another splodgy run up Capt. Cook’s monument and on to Roseberry, with distance views of the sun capped Cleveland Hills. Five minutes later I was in a blinding blizzard. On Easby Moor and in Newton Wood there was much evidence of off-road motorcycles and quad bikes. Circuits of the monument seem to have been particularly…
A new vista across Greenhow bottom to the Cleveland Hills
Recent felling on Ingleby Bank has opened up a new vista across Greenhow bottom to the Cleveland Hills. In the near distance are Bank Foot Farm and the old railwayman’s house formerly known as Poultry House Cottage. Poultry House Cottage has a dark history. I wrote about it here on my old site dated 18…
Green Bank from Cringle End
Otherwise known as the Lord Stones Country Park, which should, of course, be the Lords’ Stone as there’s only one stone situated where the lands of three Lords met: Duncombe of Helmsley, Marwood of Busby Hall and Aislesby. A murky day, and windy too. On Cringle Moor holding the camera steading was not easy. No…
Botton Head
I mentioned last week that I thought the heather was late coming into bloom this year. Well, the sunny spell has given it a spurt and it’s now getting there. Still not as intense as I remember though. This is taken from the old Rosedale mineral railway near to the top of the incline and…
Roseberry from Cockshaw Quarry
What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full…
Hasty Bank
It’s been at least 9 weeks since I last ran along the narrow path that contours around the back of White Hill, the south-facing bank at the head of Bilsdale. Clay Bank car park was fairly busy, I’ve seen it more so. But I hardly saw a soul on the hill. It’s good to be…