An intriguing building. Named on the modern map, as well as the Ordnance Survey Six Inch 1854 edition, as a farm but I can’t help thinking there is more to it than just a common or garden farmhouse. It is roofed with Welsh slate, a relatively expensive material, compare with the pantile roof of the outbuildings in the attached range. Although difficult to see because of the tree behind but the gable copings resemble battlements and have ornate ball shaped end finials. All so elaborate. Other architectural features justify it being given Grade II listed building status by Historic England. Yet it stands unused and boarded up.
The buildings on the right, just out of the photo, are of an earlier date, late 18th century. Comprising a barn and brye, they are also Grade II listed.
Curiously the 1854 map shows another range completing the square of the courtyard.
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