Roseberry Mine Reservoir

Operations at the Roseberry Ironstone Mine would have been dependent on steam power. In the 1931 public auction when the mining equipment was sold off, the lots included 2 hauling engines, 1 compressor, 1 fan engine, 4 boilers, and 2 pumping engines. To supply all these steam engines with sufficient water a reservoir was built 25 feet on the slope above the mine buildings. Today the reservoir is a damp reedy patch on the hillside surrounded by an embankment.

But where how was the water sourced. The old maps do not indicate a spring at this point but 200 – 300 metres to the north-east and 25 feet higher the map is annotated with the word “Rises” at the top of a re-entrant and a watercourse which eventually becomes Slacks Beck. I guess this was the source of the water, although today the re-entrant is dry.

For the record, the reservoir is on private farmland but I am standing on Open Access Land, the boundary of which I reckon is the hawthorn trees, probably part of an old hedge line.

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