The drift entrance to the mine which operated between 1907-1931 although no ore was extracted after 1921. It has been deliberately blocked for public safety. The brick building behind is an electrical sub-station and probably dates from 1914 when an electric sirocco fan was installed to replace the old method of ventilation by lighting a fire at the bottom of a shaft. The heated air rose drawing fresh air through the mine. The mine was operated by Bolckow, Vaughan and Company which was later absorbed by Dorman, Long and Company which was to dominate the industry.
This was not the first venture into the Belmont royalty of the Chaloner family. In 1853 the Weardale Iron and Coal Company leased the rights and commenced operations. Their drift entrance was a 600m or so further east, between Belmangate and Butt Lane. A downturn in the trade forced the mine’s closure in 1886.
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