A vague plan hatched.
Mooch up to the head of the dale through Canon Atkinson’s undercliff.
End up at Yew Grain, the waterfall on the left.
But The Hills proved far too interesting so this is as far as we got.
The waterfall on the right is Spa Dike.
Arising out of George Gap Spa, a spring containing mineral salts of iron,
hence the red deposits on the rocks.
Its chalybeate waters are said to be good for your health.
George Gap, of course, is better associated with the causeway,
a medieval trod connecting Fryup with Rosedale
that winds its way up the steep cliff just off right out of shot.
Also known as Roman Causey,
although there is no evidence any Roman passed this way.
Great Fryup Head
2 responses to “Great Fryup Head”
Can you shed any light on the ponds within The Hills? They are not shown on my old 2001 OS 1:25k map but now there are four shown. Yesterday I passed six! There is plenty of evidence of earthworks, some quite recent. Have these ponds been created or perhaps enlarged and by whom? I have failed to unearth any information about them. There is lots on tree planting evident too. Wildlife seems to love this area.
Sorry Peter, I can’t really help. I know the ponds you refer to. I got the impression they were used for fishing.
The Rev. Atkinson in the 19th-century writes of “hollows – these last with the lush growth of damp or watery places in them” see http://www.fhithich.uk/?p=18902
No doubt the owner saw an opportunity to create ponds in the hollows. Might even had gotten a grant or some sort.
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