Category: Great Hograh Moor

  • Some days photographic opportunities are few and far between

    Some days photographic opportunities are few and far between

    Today was such a day. Rain, drizzle, a brief interlude of bright sunshine, then more drizzle, followed by a touch of rain. I was on the bridleway mapped as Skinner Howe Cross Path crossing Great Hograh Moor when the sun made one of its brief appearances. This is looking north-west across Baysdale, look closely and…

  • Rock outcrop on Great Hograh Moor

    Rock outcrop on Great Hograh Moor

    I’ve been wanting to try and find this rock outcrop for some time (a bit of intel from John, thanks). Armed with a grid reference, I parked at Hob Hole and climbed up to the Skinner Howe Cross Road on a wintry morning. The outcrop was easy to find, a large overhang which has been…

  • Lamb Stone,  Great Hograh Moor

    Lamb Stone, Great Hograh Moor

    The Skinner Howe Cross Road was the old packhorse route to the Cistercian nunnery in Baysdale. Just after it crosses Great Hograh Beck there is a large boulder named on the Ordnance Survey map as the Lamb Stone. It’s a large sandstone boulder that shows signs of man’s hand at work. A square edge looks…