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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Tag: schoolhouse

  • The Old Schoolroom, Bransdale

    The Old Schoolroom, Bransdale

    The former schoolhouse, now used as a community centre for the families of this isolated dale. In 1874, an old schoolmaster of Bransdale met an unfortunate end which caused an outrage in the dale, indeed it was headlined in the regional press as: THE OUTRAGE UPON AN OLD SCHOOL-MASTER AT BRANSDALE. The old schoolmaster was…

  • The Old Schoolhouse, Bransdale

    The Old Schoolhouse, Bransdale

    The former schoolhouse, now used as a community centre for the families of this isolated dale, which number around 25 including 9 farms. A far cry from Bransdale at its peak in the 19th-century when the population numbered around 400 including innkeepers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, millers, school teachers, dairymen and jet and coal miners. The small…