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… on the North York Moors, or wherever I happen to be.

Holy Well Gill

I discovered this little waterfall last Tuesday in a night navigation event. Under torchlight, it seemed a lot bigger and oranger from the mineral salts deposits. I just had to have a return for a visit in daylight. The event wasn’t exactly my best ever, having failed to find one control, I ended up so close to another I could use that one to relocate. I knew I was somewhere on Near Moor, to the north-east of Crabdale Beck. But I didn’t know exactly where.

I wasn’t lost. I had lost my way for sure. So let’s just say I was temporarily misplaced. When you find yourself in this situation it doesn’t matter what mistakes have got you there. You are where you are. Knowing those mistakes, of course, may help you figure out where you are likely to be but they are gone, best buried, and not dwelled upon.

So what were my options? Two, I far as I could see. Be dogmatic, insist on sticking to my plan, meaning about turn and have another go at finding that control I had already messed up three times; or carry on to the other control, then do the rest of the course in reverse order thereby approaching the troublesome control using a stream as a handrail. Of course, there would always be a third option: spit my dummy out, retire and make up an excuse. On this occasion, unusually, controls could be taken in any order which did provide me with the choice.

Perhaps there is a lesson here for all of us, we are where we are now. Mistakes made two minutes, two hours and especially two years ago are all history. Best not to be blinded by them. Where do we want to get to now, what’s our destination, our goal? That’s the most important question. And dipping into coaching jargon, if our goal is neither specific, measurable, achievable, realistic nor time-bound then it’s only a pipe-dream and will, more than likely, end in failure. Once we are sure of our destination, the next question is what’s the surest way of getting there?

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One response to “Holy Well Gill”

  1. Bob Howe avatar
    Bob Howe

    You weren’t alone “lost” on that moor that night Mick, but I like your philosphysing

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